Sunday, October 16, 2011


For this project, I was required to come out with a mask with design of facial expression. As the first step, I placed several layers of tissue paper on my face as the foundation for moisture purpose as the process of making the mask took several hours.

Then, layers of newspaper were soaked in water and were pasted on the tissue layer.The process was repeated for about 10 times to thicken the mask so that it will become more durable.

To ensure the layers were correctly pasted and to avoid confusion, each layer was pasted with different colours.

Finally the mask's model was completed and ready to be used...after 5 hours.

After placing the last layer of tissue paper, the mask was now finished and can be coloured.

Here comes the completed mask!!

The mask's design pattern was inspired by my Japanese friend, Rika who shared her experience of viewing aurora in Norway.The design was mainly curvy lines of different thickness and  natural features such as green leaves are noticeable.

Basically, the usage of cool and warm colours were adapted and was boldly expressed to give a vivid and strong feeling of contrast.

I wish to express the feeling of dilemma when I enter a space of many strangers and I don't know the right way to approach them. In the depth of my heart, I wish to know them but I am too afraid to take the there is a warm colour combination on the upper part to express my suppressed passion.

But then, the colours turn cool when it goes down, it resembles the turning point of my feeling because i soon  lost my idea and realised that I have no gut to talk to them.

And silence comes to play .

So the mask has no mouth.

But at this moment ,





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