Monday, October 22, 2012


So this is my new semester.
Ya, how time flies.
A new semester marks a new starting point for me, and it really does.
To me, entering the university again after a 2 months long break really makes no strange feeling to me.
Maybe in somewhere deep in my heart, there is an isolated area where light of conscience would never reach. And in that place, keeps the nostalgia and emotions I own, to the university, to the friends of mine and a few people who are just too indelible in my memory.

The new studio for Architecture students.
I once shared a joke:
There are only two 哦ccasions where my table will be clean, the first day and the last day of a semester.

Just not bad
So the first project is to design a gazebo to be located near the Studio building.As usual, the first task is to carry out site analysis and land survey...Was it fun? SUREeee...

Thanks to my friend Elliot who accompanied me ...and sacrificed himself to the mosquitoes!

Organizing the information
And the initial idea, a gazebo which has separated platform and roofing
It has the curve roof which is an idea derived from a water droplet flowing from the slope to the ground.

However, after discussion with my studio master, Dr.Sharifah, I felt that there was a need in expanding my idea and to include more design philosophy in this gazebo
Then, the idea came out from nowhere....

                                                  Integrating THE GOLDEN RATIO...

And doing the studio work at late night was never lonely because there was these group of students campaigning for the university election.

"To estimate what a type of man is worth, one must calculate the price paid for his preservation.
The condition of the existence of the good is the lie."
well said Nietzsche.

And these few days I was just fed up by the strong propaganda carried out by the so called candidates.
The vague and ambiguous manifesto just made me laughed so hard.
blah blah blah~~

''However, between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it,
I will always stand on the side of the egg.''
                                                                                   ~Haruki Murakami

What makes you stay strong for sleepless night.
Thanks to my friend Pika!

The night before submission!

And it was morning, off to studio.

Final Presentation Board, the Kafka.


This is a project about Change.
As for me, everything changes in the new sem, 
 I do have an intense feeling that some parts in my life has really changed.
Imperceptibly, so fast like a piece of tea leaf releasing itself in a pool of warm water.

It is not a bad thing, neither is good.
The people I met a year before, the events took place, the endless conversations we once had,the smile you gave me, the indelible memories we hold in our hands. \
It really was a happy time spent in the first year. 

And now, some part were gone, and ironically another parts came into the "system" and play the same roles
But the similar feeling would never be the same.

There are things that I still cherish, care about and shall not forget. 
However, time, the monster that ate up all the gigabytes of my life still carries on its duty, occupying my "space" minute by minute, day by day and I can't find a way to resist.

And suddenly one day , 
I woke up in my bed in the hostel as usual. 
The intensity of sunlight passing through the opening, the warmth I felt on my face. The morning breeze flipping the curtains , following a slow and non-repetitive rhythm. 
 I slowly tilting my body to the right, opening my eyes.

 I lay on my armour-like back, and if I lifted my head a little I could see my brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. 
The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. 
My many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of mine, waved about helplessly as I looked."
"What happened to me?" I thought
And it wasn't a dream.

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