Sunday, July 28, 2013

In the Middle of...

 Hi, welcome to Louis' space, to guess the reasons why you are opening this tab is not a wise act that would bring much meaning but ... it's intriguing to me. Tonight I hope you are in a mood to share my Archi'life (not quite actually), I'm sorry if there are things that bothering you in your life but since you are here, I hope there is some useful words that you would garner when you read untill the last sentence. Anyway it is not my problem too if you eventually found out that :"Hey! I'm just wasting my precious time here reading lines written by some kind of bloody commiseration-worthy mediocre Architecture student that has nothing significant but high threshold of impregnable ego and prejudice, I could have utilized the time for something with a better cause!MAN, I can save life by sharing links of funding campaign for refugees seeking asylum in Syria on my facebook profile ya know?"


As the title suggests, an Isle's Entourage, everything that is written in this blog must lie within the purview of an "isle" but this time, I want to do some special attempt by writing my Archi life in Ipoh, because I just started my internship in my hometown. It has been a month since I start working in this Architect firm.

What I would say...em .At first I was nervous, seeing the unknowns that made me question my ability,  both emotional and physical (mainly emotional I confess).
But now one month passed and what I can say is that I made a very right choice to have my internship in Ipoh: Professional boss, helpful colleagues, lovely peers, challenging tasks and so on. Last but the most I'm Back. 

I love my family here, my father, mother, sister,my cat, aunt,uncles, grandpa, grandma, and also the Tzu Chi family.

The last semester was a hard one like I've been reside within a column of reinforced concrete for 4 months, but now I'm back,  Home sweet home. I'm neat, clean, shaved  and sober and I didn't care who knew it. (R.Chandler fans would get this :))

Also I get to meet up with some  special people that occupy so much gigabytes of my little-capacity -mind. It is glad to see that they are still young, energetic, matured, charming, sweet, know the once young-boy-fantasy.

But I'm always sober, calm like a Louis. Ya.

By the way, I still miss Penang occasionally  (sounds cool), whenever I see the newsfeed, events, happiness and tragedies happened in the eternal Isle of Entourage that I can't even take part of it in the slightest way.Take care my friend on the ISLE, you might not see this but that's exactly what lingering around the trunk of my head.

Another day has gone, but I still have plenty of time here to meet those I wish to meet, I want to enjoy every sip of Ipoh's air and have it's oxygen content absorbed by my alveoli in the fullest possible way to sustain my body mechanism in this precious period in Ipoh before I get back to the Isle.

 It's not good to claim that you miss a place and you do nothing about it , therefore I render you.

G -Office Final Remake: Mid-autumn fantasy version

                                        "To say Goodbye is to die a little."
                                                         - Raymond Chandler

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